Leather money clip wallet
Leather money clip wallet

leather money clip wallet

Some banks and credit card companies may also charge a small currency conversion fee or transaction fee. Our full grain, vegetable tanned Classic Leather Money Clip Wallet features an ultra-strong magnetic clip on the exterior for folded bills interior has. Your credit card company will convert the Canadian currency price to your own currency on your credit card bill. Exchange rates can vary slightly throughout the day and between financial institutions. Your credit card will actually be charged in Canadian currency for the leather products you bought. It also features a slot on the top for business cards or small change and a sleek foil-debossed monogram. As previously mentioned, this is an estimated conversion price based on daily exchange rates. Product Details The most minimalist wallet: a durable magnetic clip on one side, slots for a couple cards on the other, all wrapped in soft and supple leather. If you are in a country that has one of our currency options, your country's IP address may be recognized and the prices on our website may automatically convert and display in your courntry's currency. This is an estimated conversion price for that currency chosen based on daily exchange rates and is meant as a reference only. This will change prices throughout the website to this new currency until you choose another currency. 30 + More Colors Money Clip 30 + More Colors Bifold with Money Clip 80 + More Colors Slim Pants + Sleek Money Clip Suave Style You deserve clean pant lines and more clear pockets. If you are ordering from a country other than Canada, click the currency converter link called "Change" found near the top right of the page for the country's currency you want listed. All prices on our website default to Canadian currency.

Leather money clip wallet